
Court Usage Rules

20:49  11:39 

The courts are to be shared by financial members of the club and non-members paying the appropriate court hire fee (currently $20 per court per hour, plus lights fee if required).


Members are requested to collect court hire fees from non-members hiring the courts, and forward the fees to the Treasurer.


When courts are full and members are waiting to use the courts

  • there is to be NO singles play
  • you must offer to play doubles or leave the court
  • play is limited to one 6 game set or no more than 30 minutes (whichever happens first)
  • juniors have priority from 4pm until 6pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings
  • seniors have priority after 7pm



  • Court hire - free for members, $20 per court per hour for non-members
  • Social tennis - $5 for members (if lights are turned on), $10 for non-members (regardless of whether lights are turned on)
  • Lights - $15 per bank of lights per hour (a bank of lights is 2 adjacent courts)


Synthetic clay courts (courts 3 and 4)

  • please bag the en-tout-cas courts before and after play


All players are to follow the directions of committee members and make every effort to introduce themselves to new members waiting to use the courts.