
Membership Renewal / Outstanding Gate Keys

20:25  22:25

The committee of the Deer Park Tennis Club have noted that a number of members have annual membership fees outstanding which are due to be paid. If you are not planning to renew your annual membership with the club, then please notify us ASAP so that we can make adjustments to our membership listing.

If you are holding a club gate key, and you are not renewing your annual membership, then please return our key so that we can refund you your key deposit. Please note that you have seven (7) days to return our key for a refund of the deposit amount. You can return your key or pay your fees tonight (7pm until 8pm) at the club.

The club committee will change the locks to club gates shortly and members can exchange keys, as long as their annual membership fees are paid.

You can see a club committee member at the club tonight (Wednesday, May 17) from 7pm until 8pm, Saturday morning (May 20) from 8.30am until 10am, or please make an arranagement at your earliest convenience.

Please note that financial club members will be given priority over non-financial members when selecting players for competition team tennis.



Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.