
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - 17th March, 2020

09:25  09:28 

In light of the Victorian Government’s State of Emergency declaration due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus yesterday, and advice from Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria, all of our association competition team tennis has been suspended until further notice in the best interests of our community and the general public.
NSNTA and NSJTA competition players and parents are advised to keep updated by looking the the tennis association websites www.nsjta.asn.au and www.nsnta.org

Our members will still have access to the courts, however, please exercise care, be mindful of your health risks and take particular attention to government and health department advice regarding your movements during this State of Emergency. Do not gather in large groups and avoid close proximity to others. IF YOU ARE UNWELL PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. DO NOT PUT OTHERS AT RISK.

The situation will be carefully monitored by the associations to determine when it will be most appropriate to recommence the competitions and we would like to thank you for your understanding.

As our revenue will be impacted greatly, the committee would appreciate if you could please pay outstanding membership fees at your earliest convenience to our bank club bank account.- BSB 06 3253 A/c 1095 6580.

Should you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact us.

Take care!
Best Regards,
On Behalf of the Committee,
Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.