
Members' Update 23/10/2020

10:59  11:00 

Dear Members,

The committee of the Deer Park Tennis Club hope that you and your family are doing well.

We do have some exciting news to share with you today, as we slowly work to open the tennis courts to our members, in a controlled and co ordinated manner, mindful of our responsibilities regarding our health, social distancing and updated Covid-19 restrictions. As we all know these rules are subject to change on a daily basis, so we will all have to be aware of our personal responsibilities. Please see the following link:


After the Victorian State Government relaxed Covid-19 restrictions, we are now allowed "training" in groups of no more than ten(10) people, paying respect to the updated Covid-19 rules. This does not mean that all of our 150 members should come down together to use the courts.

Our club is open for members to start training. If the courts are all used by members, we do not want people congregating, and suggest that you make it known to the players on the courts, that you will be waiting in your car. Club rules apply in this unlikely event, and courts must be vacated after 30 minutes of play, if people are waiting. Please introduce yourself as a member, and ask if the players are in fact members. If they are not members, then they should be requested to leave. Courts are reserved for financial members. An updated member's list will be displayed on the clubhouse window.

After understanding the Covid-19 restrictions, please ensure that you at least.-

If you are NOT well, DO NOT COME TO THE COURTS. You should seek medical attention.

  1. All visitors must sign in for contact tracing if the need arises. ie.- Date, Time in out, Name(s) and contact phone number(s) please.
  2. Wash your hands before and after play using a hand sanitiser. Please bring for your own for personal use.
  3. Do NOT shake hands.
  4. Exercise social distancing. Remember 1.5 meter rule.
  5. Do not share equipment. You must have your own racquet.
  6. Keep your play to 30 minutes if members indicate that they are waiting for a court.
  7. Do not congregate around the club. Once you finish your training, please leave the venue.
  8. No group training of more than ten (10) players at the venue at any one time, and play restricted between members of no more than two different families playing together.
  9. Slowly build up your work load, as your fitness may not be the same.
  10. Show respect for others, and ensure that you keep each other safe.

Please remember that if you breach any of the Covid-19 restrictions, you maybe fined $1,652 per person, and our club maybe closed again, which we do not want. It is your responsiblity to ensure that you and your family are mindful of all the rules and risks of using the facilities. We understand that the Victorian Police will be enforcing the Covid-19 rules and you can receive an on the spot fines if you break the rules.


If your membership was still current at 18th March, 2020 then the committee will add 2 months in lieu of the Covid-19 shut down (1) and 3 months in lieu of Covid-19 shut down (2). eg.- If your fees are due in August, 2020 then we will extend your membership until January, 2021 for your new renewal date. We will invoice you one month prior to the new due date.

If your membership expired before the 18th March, 2020 then please make payment ASAP to our club bank account.-
BSB 06 3253 Account 1095 6580 and if you bring non members to the courts you will need to collect fees at $10 per player and direct debit to the above account please. If you are non financial, you will have to pay court fees. Spot checks will be frequent.

Anyway, please take things slowly, and we all look forward to enjoying some tennis over the coming weeks!

Thank you for your continued support!

Best Regards,

On Behalf of the Committee,
Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.