
2021 NSNTA Season 2 (Spring) - Registration

14:53  14:55 

Hi All Members,

The committee would like to invite you, your family and friends to play competition night tennis with our club next season. Applications are now open.

The new Spring season of 14 rounds, begins in the first week of August, 2021 with ladies playing Tuesday evenings, mixed (two ladies and two men) playing on Wednesday evenings and men play on a Thursday evening. All matches, home and away, commence at 7pm and generally finish at approximately 9pm. All matches involve teams of four players, playing a team total of six sets of doubles. ie.- each player plays three sets, one set with each other player in the team. Teams of at least five players are selected by the club, and players rotate each week, so that all players play an even number of matches. The top four teams in each grade play a final knockout series to decide the premier.

If you, your family or your friends would like to be considered, please complete the application form and return to the club by 30th May, 2021 via return email or our club PO Box 2069 Brimbank Central, Deer Park, Victoria 3023. Our club bank account details are.- BSB 06 3253 A/c 1095 6580. All players must be financial members of the club and pay fees with registration. The club can only select a maximum of six teams in each category, three home and three away, so that each of our "home" teams have two courts each to play their match. Please note that teams will be selected on a first in basis, with complete registration requirements.

Please tell all your friends!

Any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,

On Behalf of the,
Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.