
December 2021 Update

18:04  18:06 

Dear Members,

After a year of many challenges and success stories, the committee of the Deer Park Tennis Club would like to wish all our members an enjoyable summer holiday season. If you celebrate Christmas, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all in 2022.

In 2022 the committee will be aiming to bring lots of tennis opportunities to all our members via social play, competition team tennis and coaching. Gim Kurti will be offering coaching services at the club again in 2022, and you can contact Gim via https://www.hotshotstennis.com.au

There are a variety of reasons to hit the courts in 2022 and we want to ensure that our members do so in a safe environment. Please ensure that you are up to date with all the health guidelines as they can change very quickly. Please see https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au for updates.

Our new committee as elected at the 2021/22 Annual General Meeting.-

President.- Mr Lindsey Wilson
Vice President.- Mr Brian Draper
Vice President.- Mr Nick Kalavrianos
Secretary.- Mr Son Le
Treasurer.- Mr Shane Braszell
Committee.- Mr Paul Adams (NSJTA Junior Coordinator)
Committee.- Mr Elton Farrugia
Committee.- Mr Eric Vormwald.

Thank you to all our members who attended the club's AGM via zoom last September.

We are always on the lookout for new members and we encourage you to recruit your family and friends to join our community sporting club. If all our members recruit one member, then we can double our membership in 2022!

Membership Fees 2021/22.-

Family $280 less $10 if paid renewal on time.
Senior $190 less $10 if paid renewal on time.
Senior Student over 18 $170 less $10 if paid renewal on time.
Junior under 18 $120 less $10 if paid renewal on time.

If you wish to renew your membership you can direct debit to our club bank account.-
Name.- Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.
BSB 06 3253
A/c 1095 6580

The courts are to be shared with other members, and non financial members are required to pay court fees. Please introduce yourself to other players to make everyone feel welcome, and it's also a nice way to connect with fellow members of your club. Court rules and fees are dispalyed on the clubhouse window.

Again, all the very best for the festive season, and we all look forward to seeing you on the tennis courts very soon.

Yours in tennis!

On Behalf of the,
Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.