
NSNTA Season 1, 2010 - FINAL NOTICE

17:41  16:52 

Dear Night Tennis Player,

Please take note that we currently have a number of players that have not indicated whether or not they are playing with our club next season, Autumn 2010. We have had an extension to register our teams to Sunday evening. (They are due Friday 20th November @ 8pm).

The club has at present five (5) night teams (same as this season including two new teams) that have registered correctly and three(3) proposed teams (current spring 2009) that have not registered. If you do not regsiter your team correctly you will miss out. We will consider no more than seven (7) teams, which means once we have seven (7) teams we will close all registrations and you will miss out.

To register correctly the club requires you to.-

(1) Be a financial member of the club;

(2) Pay all outstanding competition fees for the current spring 2009 season (Due 24th October);

(3) Fill in a registration form (download from club website) or come down to the club this Saturday morning (21st Nov) from 7am until 11am or Sunday evening from 7pm until 9pm.

and; (4) Pay registration Autumn 2010 amount of $35.

The new season will commence in February, 2010.

If you do not wish to be registered for the next Autumn 2010 night tennis season then please disregard this notice and you will not be considered for the new Autumn 2010 season. Current spring 2009 outstanding fees still need to be paid.

Also, please note that joining fees ($30) now apply to memberships that are outstanding more than 30 days and locks to the courts will be changed in the new year.

A newsletter will be sent next week, however, if you prefer to receive communications via email then pleae let us know.


Deer Park TC