
Summer Competition Tennis - Players Wanted

13:02  16:52



The Deer Park Tennis Club would like to hear from men or women who would like to play senior summer competition tennis this year. The season starts in October to December and ends in Feb to March including a break for Christmas and New Year! Matches are played on a Saturday afternoon from 1pm.....good excuse not to slave away at work or the factory on a hot summers day!!


We understand that the format is Men's 4 players plus a spare = 5 players or

Mixed 3 X 3 with 1 spare man and woman = 8 players (4 ladies and 4 men)

Mixed 2 X 2 with 1 spare man and woman = 6 players (3 ladies and 3 men)


This depends on numbers commiting.


This is also a great way to extend your enjoyment of tennis with fellow members against local clubs in our district. Not to mention a great way to improve your tennis skills and meet new friends!


There is a trend in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne with people once again flocking to their local tennis club on a Saturday afternoon again to rival the 1960's and 70's......so why not the north west as well?


Good chance for you to make up a team.........??


If you or your friends and family would like to play summer competition tennis then contact Shane at the club at social tennis every Tuesday or Sunday evening from 7pm to 9.30pm on 9363 5860 or Saturday morning from 7.30am.


Best Regards,


Committee Deer Park TC