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Deer Park Tennis Club


  • We're offering 12 mths family membership via a draw to be held at the end of the year - click here for more details
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2013 Club Events Calendar

21:12  16:52 


    *   Approximate / tentative date - exact date to be confirmed


  January 31 NSNTA Season 1, 2013 (Mens) - season starts
  February 3 NSJTA Season 1, 2013 - season starts (A Special)
    4 NSJTA Season 1, 2013 - season starts (all grades except A Special)
    13 NSNTA Season 1, 2013 (Mixed) - season starts
  April 9 Club Championships - entries close
    13 Club Championships - senior singles events (from 8:30am to 10:30pm)
    14 Club Championships - junior events (from 8:30am to 8:30pm)
    16 Club Championships - senior doubles events (from 7:00pm to 10:30pm)
  May 21 NSJTA Season 2, 2013 - registration closes
    26 NSNTA Season 2, 2013 - registration closes
  June 4 Queen's Birthday Allcourt Challenge - entries close
    8 Queen's Birthday Allcourt Challenge - junior events and senior singles events
    11 Queen's Birthday Allcourt Challenge - senior doubles events
  July 7 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    10* NSJTA Season 2, 2013 - fixture collection
    19 NSJTA Season 2, 2013 - season starts (A Special)
    20 NSJTA Season 2, 2013 - season starts (all grades except A Special)
  August 5 NSNTA Season 2, 2013 - fixture collection (from 7pm)
    8 NSNTA Season 2, 2013 - season starts (Mens)
    14 NSNTA Season 2, 2013 - season starts (Mixed)


  October 1 Spring Allcourt Challenge - entries close
    5 Spring Allcourt Challenge
    29 50th Anniversary Retro Tournament - entries close
    31 NSJTA Season 1, 2014 - registration closes
    31 NSNTA Season 1, 2014 - registration closes
  November 2 50th Anniversary Retro Tournament
    24 Club Celebration - RSVPs due
  December 7 Club Celebration