How do I join the club ?
See here.
How do I renew my membership ?
Bring cash or a cheque (made payable to Deer Park Tennis Club Inc) to the club during one of the social tennis times and hand to a committee member;
Post a cheque (made payable to Deer Park Tennis Club Inc), to Deer Park Tennis Club, P.O. Box 2069, Brimbank Central, Deer Park VIC 3023, Australia.
What coaching is available ?
How much does coaching cost ?
How do I enrol in coaching ?
Contact the club This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (On Point Tennis) for details on the coaching program.
What competitions can I play in ?
The club fields teams in the following inter-club competitions:
- Juniors: NSJTA (Friday nights and Saturday mornings, singles and doubles)
- Seniors: NSNTA (Wednesday night mixed doubles, Thursday night mens doubles), WSNTG, Tennis Victoria Pennant (Saturday singles and doubles)
The club also has at least 4 intra-club (in-house) competitions each year, generally the club championships (March / April), Queen's Birthday Tournament (June), Spring Allcourt Challenge (October) and Melbourne Cup Challenge (November). These competitions offer both singles and doubles events, for both juniors and seniors.
How do I join competition ?
For inter-club competition, complete a registration form for the appropriate season (available from the club website or the clubhouse) and return it - together with your registration fee - to a committee member or the club coach (or by mail to Deer Park Tennis Club, P.O. Box 2069, Brimbank Central, Deer Park VIC 3023, Australia) by the due date.
Registration forms for season 1 (February - May) are usually available in early October and must be returned by late October.
Registration forms for season 2 (August - November) are usually available in early May and must be returned by late May.
Registration forms for intra-club competitions are usually available a few weeks before the competition, and must be returned by the Tuesday before the competition.
Check the club calendar for key dates.