The first club tournament for 2018 is coming up soon.
Registration for Club Championships is now open.
- Junior Open singles/doubles from 11am Sat 17th March
- Junior Group B (Juniors excluding A Special / A Grade / A Reserve) singles/doubles from 1pm Sat 17th March
- Seniors Open and Group B (excluding A grade Juniors and Grade 8 or above Pennant) Singles from 1pm Sat 17th March
- Senior Open and Group B (excluding A grade Juniors and Grade 8 or above Pennant) Doubles from 7pm Mon 12th March
Due date for registration: 7.30pm Thurs 8th March
The registration form is available by clicking here - please fill these out and hand up in-person, OR fill it in, take a photo/scan and email the completed form to me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The cut-off dates for registration for Registration for Club Championships is Thursday March 8th 7:30PM.
Jules Nisperos
Deer Park Tennis Club Inc.